Fasting and slimming at the European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof

Gentle fasting with Panchakarma, Ayurvedic therapy and more

A gentle fast and holistic detox with European Ayurveda® combined with a Panchakarma treatment programme or any other detoxifying Ayurveda therapy offered by the pioneers of European Ayurveda®. The European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof in Tyrol takes into account the requirements of Europeans and our climate. This form of holistic fasting is great for weight loss, but what’s even better is that it can help bring about a healthier and happier life!

Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof European Ayurveda exterior
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof European Ayurveda exterior

Fasting with European Ayurveda® for a healthier life

Ayurveda has been practised for over 5,000 years – that’s five millennia of holistic medicine and experience! The teachings’ many healing methods include fasting and weight loss, and the holistic approach undertaken during an Ayurvedic cleanse is varied and profound. ‘When you undergo a fast, the body is rested so that it can purify itself, detoxify and reenergise,’ explains Christina Mauracher, the mastermind behind European Ayurveda®. ‘The energy that is usually expended on digesting and on the metabolism is made available for cleansing and regeneration. You gain time, which can be used for meditation, so your fast will have a spiritual benefit too,’ says the Ayurveda specialist. In today’s fast-paced society, our spirituality is something we all too often neglect, which is why European Ayurveda® gives mental and emotional wellbeing high priority.

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Gentle fasting with European Ayurveda®

‘Fasting in the Ayurvedic sense doesn’t mean starving yourself – it just means cutting calories and quantities for a reduced, needs-based diet. Ayurvedic fasting is a limited fast that doesn’t result in rapid weight loss, but gently detoxifies the body,’ explains Gaurav Sharma, one of the Ayurvedic physicians at the European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof. ‘This gentle way of fasting is an effective alternative for people who are not comfortable with total food abstinence. Ayurvedic fasting gives the practitioner breathing space and frees the mind from disturbances. The results often include enhanced physical performance and radiant skin,’ says Sharma.

Everything in moderation with European Ayurveda cuisine

A major advantage of Ayurvedic fasting is its understanding of the benefits of herbs and spices which, in Ayurveda, are used therapeutically as well as to flavour food. ‘Herbs and spices are used in Ayurvedic soups and vegetable curries to kindle the digestive fire (Agni) and stimulate the metabolism. This is how food becomes curative and cooks in the Ayurvedic tradition are also known as “alchemists of vital energy”,’ says Ayurvedic doctor Gaurav Sharma.

Ayurvedic therapy with the finest organic food from Tyrol

European Ayurveda® ensures that fasting is gentle and works for western digestions, lifestyles and requirements with specially devised vegetarian recipes: ‘All food grown in Europe contains active ingredients that suit European living conditions. To ensure that Ayurvedic nutrition is gently and easily processed by our bodies, European Ayurveda® has developed its own recipes based on local foods and herbs,’ says Christina Mauracher. ‘We source most of these from our own European Ayurveda farm, the Lindhof. It’s an old farm in Thiersee where we grow heritage fruit and vegetable varieties using traditional methods.’

Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof European Ayurveda exterior
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof European Ayurveda exterior

Hot water – secret of Ayurvedic fasting and slimming

Ayurvedic doctor Dr Sharma recommends a detoxifying morning drink of hot water, the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of forest honey. But wait until the water is cool enough to drink before adding the honey. Water should be boiled for 15 minutes to increase the detoxifying effect. Benefits of drinking hot water regularly include:

  • A strong detoxifying effect
  • Stills hunger pangs between meals and prevents the possible side effects of fasting such as nausea, headaches, irritability and fatigue
  • Calming and emotionally stabilising effect
  • Soothes intestinal disorders such as wind, bloating and constipation

Fasting with European Ayurveda® – a guide to detoxing

Elisabeth Mauracher, Mental Detox coach and the Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof’s General Manager, explains the principles of Ayurvedic fasting.

From an Ayurvedic point of view, the transition periods, i.e. spring and autumn are ideal for fasting or detoxing to purify the body and harmonise the Doshas – our vital forces – that shape our physical, mental and spiritual characteristics. When used therapeutically there is no specific time limit or rule.
People with the discernment and will to change their lives and improve their health. Fasting is very helpful in remedying digestive and metabolic disorders. It can also address excess weight. When emotional distress leads to the formation of a ‘protective armour’ which causes a person to become overweight, fasting should be accompanied by talk therapy. Therapeutic detoxification can help with almost all complaints caused by digestive toxins in the blood and tissues. A detox is also recommended alongside many Ayurvedic therapies, but an Ayurvedic detox is no substitute for a curative treatment. If you have a serious health problem, you should definitely consult a doctor or naturopath!
For best results, start your fast by thoroughly emptying your digestive system. We recommend an enema or colonic irrigation. Also, choose a quiet time when you can be sure of having little or no work, so that physical and mental stress can be kept to a minimum. It is also helpful to approach your fast with a positive mindset, looking forward to its beneficial results rather than seeing it as problematic or a chore. Fasting gives us an opportunity to take a good look at our life and habits, and to set a new course for a happier, healthier future!
To maintain the beneficial effects of an Ayurvedic fast for as long as possible, it is worthwhile during the fast to think about unhelpful behaviours and habits – and about making changes. The wonderful feeling you get after fasting is a great motivational booster – don’t waste it!

Nowadays, most people are under enormous physical and mental pressure, so fasting is a great way to give body and mind a break – before any health problems arise! Whether you choose a long, annual fast, several shorter fasts or regular fasting days is up to your own, personal circumstances.

Tip: Especially today, combining physical fasting with a spiritual practice, e.g. Yoga and meditation, is highly recommended.

Note: Before any fast you should consult a doctor and have your general state of health checked!

Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof European Ayurveda exterior
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof European Ayurveda exterior

Our fasting recommendation:

Panchakarma Ayurvedic treatment programme
Panchakarma – the queen of Ayurvedic treatments! This treatment helps to balance the Doshas and eliminate toxins from the body. Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic therapy that boosts the immune system, cleanses the body, supports digestion and metabolic function, and helps bring about healthy, restful sleep. In addition, emotional wellbeing increases, as do mental clarity and vitality. Panchakarma helps us let go of the past and find our centre.
Book your Panchakarma Ayurvedic treatment programme now!

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