Best food & gourmet breaks
All things epicurean, from louche bars and street-food fetish to Michelin-starred elegance.
We love, love, love food! So much so, that if a holiday isn’t bursting with foodie fun and culinary highs, then we don’t want to hear about it. While on our travels, we’ve experienced it all, from mind-blowingly delicious gourmet hotels in Hungary and stunning street-food in Singapore to gut-bustingly awful chophouses in China and Denmark’s dirtiest dives. All in the interest of research, of course!
We’ve trawled the world’s après-ski bars, gourmet hotels and hidden gems to select the finest eateries and resorts for your food and gourmet break. Naturally, only the best will do; from harira in the medina and star-rated chefs to the best beer bars and mixologists. Join us on a journey of culinary delight! Be it filling and Alpine, exquisite and fluffy or artisanal and, well, gin – we really know how to do gourmet breaks.
Come to Austria for award-winning gourmet hotels – as well as plenty of dumplings and schnapps. Or head for Belgium’s Michelin-starred delights – and the occasional plate of moules washed down with buckets of beer. A few culinary surprises of the Michelin-starred kind also await in Germany, the land of luscious cakes, slathered in scrumptious whipped cream. And if you thought Polish food was all borscht and no gourmets, you couldn’t be more wrong. Although, having said that, I’ve never said no to a kielbasa sausage myself.
Swill anything from pints at the local market to rare vintages in the most atmospheric wine cellars – what’s in your glass is just as vital as what’s on your plate. The exclusive wine and gourmet weekend breaks hosted by our top-notch tastemakers will have you sampling and singing the praises of the upmost elite of the wine world. Our collection of tastemakers will see you through your gourmet weekend or fully-fledged foodie holiday, so: Bon appetit, Guten Apetit, Smacznego, Buon Apetito and Smakelijk to you. Cheers!