European Ayurvedic recipe

A feel-good summer salad

One of the three pillars of European Ayurveda®, nutrition is vital in paving the way to balance, wellbeing and good health. European Ayurvedic recipes combine eastern Ayurvedic nutrition with European culture to suit the needs, constitution and problems of western society and provide a joyful balance of mind, spirit and body. European Ayurvedic cuisine uses local foods and herbs that our European bodies can process easily, but that still have the effects of the original eastern recipes. In the summer months, our bodies can feel tired and zapped of energy, and appetite can be low. Light, well-seasoned Ayurvedic recipes using in-season produce reenergise our bodies and restore balance, preparing us for the warmer summer months.

Avocado and rocket salad


  • 1 avocado
  • A handful of rocket
  • 30g cashew nuts
  • 40ml water
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp agave syrup or cane sugar
European Ayurvedic recipe - A feel-good summer salad
European Ayurvedic recipe - A feel-good summer salad


Peel the avocado and cut into small cubes. Chop the rocket. Purée the cashews with the water until creamy. Add the olive oil, lemon juice, salt and agave syrup and mix thoroughly. Add the avocado and rocket, carefully mix in, and serve.

Ideal for Vata and Pitta types. Kapha types should enjoy in small quantities with ½ tsp ground black pepper.

A balance of life forces for good health

Ayurveda’s complex diagnostic and therapeutic model is based on the mixture of life forces or Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha – that are present in the body. In part, the ratio of these three life forces is determined at birth. When the Doshas are out of kilter, we become ill. A healthy person’s ratio of life forces, on the other hand, is balanced. The Doshas and their proportions characterise our physical, mental and emotional qualities.

Weigh little, and are slender, flexible and always in motion. They are quick thinkers who forget easily and often react anxiously.
Are of medium build, agile and good decision-makers. They are born leaders but easily lose their composure and are prone to anger.
Are heavyset and take things with composure. Kapha types stay calm in stressful situations. Their outstanding characteristics are patience and gentleness.

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If this story has got you interested in starting your journey with Niche Destinations, please enquire here.