Meditation at European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof Tyrol Austria

Meditation – find your faith with Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof

When we become too attached to our egos and neglect our higher selves, we try to take as much control over our lives as we possibly can. We are guided by fear rather than faith. In this state it is much more difficult to connect with the flow of life, as we put our energy into suppressing ourselves, rather than letting go. Figuratively speaking, we are working against life rather than with it. Discover these tips from the Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof’s experts, and reconnect with yourself.

Building a life with your higher self means letting go of your distrust of the world, releasing your own creative power and fully returning to the flow of life. Perform the following meditation, connect with your root Chakra and boost your strength with the mantra ‘Let go. Let go.’ Learn to fully accept your being and to love and care for yourself. You will notice how much new positive energy you release when you give up control and begin strengthening yourself and your relationship with your faith.

Meditation at European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof Tyrol Austria
Meditation at European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof Tyrol Austria

Connect with yourself

  • Which area of your life leaves you doubting that everything is well and good, and worrying how it may be in the future – e.g. your relationship, your career, your health, your finances…?

  • In what way do you try to control a particular outcome or suppress something in this area of your life?

  • How does this control make you feel? Where in your body do you feel the energy for suppression and control?
  • What desire is hidden behind the control or suppression in this area of your life? For instance, ask yourself: What is the meaning behind what I want for myself? What does it symbolise?
  • What would be your personal expression of faith in this area of your life?
Meditation at European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof Tyrol Austria

Connect with your faith

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine living this sort of faith. Experience the feeling of trust in your innermost self. Take a deep breath in and out. Notice that you have the ability to create the feeling of faith within yourself, without anything changing around you.

Meditation at European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof Tyrol Austria

Connect with your root Chakra

Now gently direct your breathing towards the perineal region, which is where your root Chakra is located. Breathe in and out, as you try to release all tension in this area. Feel the energy of your root Chakra expanding with every breath. Imagine long roots extending from your Chakra into the ground and connecting you with the earth. Feel the stability and vital energy flowing into you from this connection. As your root Chakra continuously expands, it shines in a red light. This light activates your energy centre and gives you a sense of security and comfort. Feel the faith in yourself and your creation.


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