5 tips from Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof
When things get cold, wet, and dismal outside, many people find things inside just as bleak. Listlessness takes over and energy reserves seem to be at their lowest. Is this seasonal depression knocking on the door? Dr Gaurav Sharma, Ayurvedic physician at the European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof in Hinterthiersee in Tyrol, confirms: ‘According to Ayurveda the low-light months are when the Kapha Dosha sets the tone. This means that the elements of earth and water dominate. If you are of a mostly Kapha constitution you might tend toward a heaviness that can lead to seasonal depression.’
So how do we beat seasonal depression? With European Ayurveda®! By balancing Kapha with Pitta and Vata we up our zest for life, increase motivation, experience fresh inspiration and promote mindfulness of body, mind and soul. Discover these tips from Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof and glide from autumn to winter in good spirit!
Tip 1: light, fresh air and exercise
Exercising outside and breathing the fresh air are crucial in autumn and winter. ‘Light activates the production of the body’s own cortisol hormone, which makes us happy. Lots of exercise in the fresh air boosts the Pitta and Vata Dosha. Pitta, the element of fire, puts an end to listlessness, stimulates a sluggish metabolism and does away with fatigue. Vata, the element of wind, releases our body and mind from difficulties. Dismal thoughts give way to a healthy serving of joie de vivre’, Dr Sharma explains.
Tip 2: Ayurvedic nutrition
The gut has a major effect on mood. So when tiredness, listlessness and the first signs of seasonal depression arrive, you should dispense with Kapha foods and put more emphasis on Pitta. Warming, freshly prepared vegetarian dishes as well as oils, dried fruits, cereal flakes, legumes, steamed vegetables are ideal, as is a reduced amount of cereals and red fruits and vegetables. Also, metabolism-stimulating, hot spices such as mustard, ginger, garlic, pepper, chilli and cinnamon are recommended according to Ayurveda. It’s best to avoid fatty foods such as cheese or fried foods!
Tip 3: be kind to body, mind and spirit
‘In all of our activities during the cold season here at the European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof, we place great emphasis on balancing Kapha in our guests. Abhyanga – a full body oil massage with Kapha oil – is one example’, explains European Ayurvedic physician Dr Sharma. In addition to Ayurvedic massages, a harmonious, friendly environment and soothing sounds contribute to simply and sustainably increasing joie de vivre and keeping seasonal depression at bay.
Tip 4: red, orange and yellow create a good mood
Whether in food, clothes or in your own home – red, orange and yellow are the must-have colours! They are warming and invigorating, and by choosing these colours for your food, clothing or environment, Pitta is effectively boosted.
Tip 5: fragrances
The power of fragrance reaches our minds too! For tiredness, listlessness and seasonal depression, try spicy, warm fragrances.
European Ayurveda® Resort Sonnhof
Ayurveda – the name originates from Sanskrit and essentially means ‘science of life’. The ancient Indian holistic system of knowledge is based on the interrelationships of body, mind and spirit, and the mix of three life forces or Doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which are responsible for the basic characteristics and respective constitutions of human beings. If these Doshas are unbalanced due to stress, poor nutrition or other influences, we feel physically and mentally unwell. The aim of Ayurveda is to bring the three Doshas together in harmony – this is done through soothing oil massages, purifying measures, Ayurvedic nutrition, meditation, Yoga and more. At the Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof in Hinterthiersee in Tyrol, knowledge of traditional Eastern Ayurveda is integrated into European culture to create a treatment programme geared towards our lifestyles, climatic conditions and eating habits. Hence the resort’s motto ‘Tyrol meets India’. Guests are offered a medical Ayurveda break based on European Ayurveda® and the three pillars of health – Ayurvedic Nutrition, Yoga, Mind Detox & Meditation and Diagnosis & Treatment.