PRESS RELEASE | February 2019


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The international film and TV actor Gabrielle Scharnitzky – currently in a leading role in the upcoming American action drama Treadstone – is also one of Europe’s top shamanic coaches. In 2019, she will be visiting the European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof in Thiersee, Tyrol with a brand-new and exclusive retreat. Her ‘Joy – No Matter What’ Shamanic Healing Retreat paves the way for self-reflection, mindfulness, inner peace, gratitude and happiness.

In order to live in the high vibrancy of equilibrium, deep joy and self-awareness we need to harmonise body, mind and spirit by improving cell reproduction. The aim of the new spiritual detox offered by top awareness and transformation coach Gabrielle Scharnitzky is to empower retreat participants to adjust their own energy system as and when required and become the highest version of their real selves.

Awaken to the wisdom within

‘We need to free ourselves from ancient patterns of thought and behaviour that prevent us from awakening to our own resplendence and wisdom. Ending the cosmic game of limitation within ourselves can be achieved faster than we might think. As we begin to bring our true talents and gifts to life, we help ourselves and others achieve a fulfilling life and peace of mind,’ says the shamanic consciousness and transformation coach with 20 years of experience. Her teaching is highly empathetic and reflects a profound dedication, passion, sensitivity and intuition.

No time for yourself?

‘Most people think they lack time to pay proper attention to themselves, to go within and connect with the subtle energy, with their own intuition. Instead, many follow the directions provided from relatively limited thought patterns that are based on a pressure to succeed, envy, and a sense of inferiority. This diminishes both the mind and the heart. Once you have decided that it is important to connect with the wisdom of the higher self, intuition, God, or simply your own inner voice, you quickly realise that it takes no time at all. Listening to our deep, authentic self can save us many a wrong turn as we stop repeating the same mistakes, turn off the autopilot, and let our unconscious drive our lives. In order to make real changes in our lives and in the world, we need the courage to recognise our mental, emotional and spiritual programming and transform it,’ Scharnitzky concludes.

Shamanic healing
Gabrielle Scharnitzky began her spiritual journey in the 1990s. This led her to the North American Seneca Nation of Indians in the Cattaraugus Reservation near Niagara Falls. The leader of the Seneca Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge, Grandmother Twylah Hurd Nitsch, introduced her to shamanic wisdom and the practical application of the medicine wheel with the mission of helping others and ensuring that ‘the teachings may live’.

‘Grandmother Twylah recognised and strengthened my gift for hearing messages from the souls. Afterwards, I went on to further explore the dimensions of the spiritual worlds, and also studied the latest findings of quantum physics and brain research. I learned more and more techniques that combined my intuitive knowledge with the latest neuroscientific findings,’ explains the soul healer.

Working on three levels
The work of the awareness and transformation coach has three parts: first, Scharnitzky applies the Native American wisdom to allow her clients’ receptivity to metaphysical realities unfold. After this, she helps and teaches them to recognise and name their mental, spiritual and emotional energetic blocks and to release pressure. During the third and deepest stage, she and her clients use these energetic clusters in the energy field to decipher the soul’s associated messages. These clusters are the gateway to lost portions of the soul that are trapped in old traumas, belief systems, genetic contracts and other lifetimes, thus resulting in patterns of thought and behaviour that are often passed down through generations. A dialogue with the soul results in these lost parts being returned. This brings about a paradigm shift as new ways of thinking create new realms of experience, paving the way towards fulfilling a person’s wishes and true mission in life.

The method: the MEDICINE WHEEL
The circle has been the foundation of mystical teachings in many cultures, from ancient Egypt and Greece to King Arthur’s legendary round table. Native Americans refer to this circle as a mirror of the self, in which people encounter their vital force and – by connecting with the Great Spirit – receive exactly the medicine they need to tread their sacred earth pathway in harmony of mind, body and spirit. In Native American terminology, medicine does not mean a substance that is administered – medicines are messages from the invisible world that are absorbed, understood and integrated by the body through direct, sensory experience.

Earth medicine, sacred space and spirit self
Scharnitzky introduces participants to earth medicine and shows them how living in the sacred space of their spirit self’s circle enables the encounter with and experience of the self and their own medicine. The medicine wheel’s 12 sacred places serve as gateways for the extra-sensory experience of deep messages. Unresolved life issues are looked at from a higher dimension and participants receive clear directions for action that will lead to a resolution. As their real life mission becomes apparent so do the things that need to be let go of on a mental, emotional or spiritual level. Scharnitzky attends to each individual as they come to a deep recognition of their issues, providing tools for self-adjustment that are easily applied in everyday life.

Space for inner and outer encounters
Retreat participants reconnect with their own inherent creativity thanks to the power of the medicine wheel. They learn to purify their sacred space – their Luminous Energy Field (LEF) – and increase their Personal Energy Frequency (PEF) with easy-to-use rituals. The objective is to be able to readjust immediately and in all situations, in order to perceive and live in accordance with the spirit self, to feel inner peace and to bring it into the world – regardless of what is going on externally.

Four retreat modules

‘Doors open when we discern our inner truth and follow it. We cease to be hindered by fear. Our talents reach fulfilment. Body, mind and spirit attain harmony – and we sense the oneness of everything. At this stage, a sense of infinite gratitude and joy sets in.’

Retreat details:

  • 1st module:
    Current status. Where do I stand now? What would I like to achieve in life? Why am I here?
  • 2nd module:
    The medicine wheel. What is my life theme? What is my purpose? How would I like to live?
  • 3rd module:
    What are the physical, energetic and mental blockages or energetic clusters standing in the way of achieving my life goals? What am I afraid of?
  • 4th module:
    Experiencing my own authority free from the doubting mind and ready to follow my inner wisdom. Who do I want to be?

Additional one-to-one coaching with Gabrielle Scharnitzky aimed at resolving deep-seated emotional blocks will also be available during the retreat. This is an intense, one-hour session that raises awareness of behavioural patterns and beliefs, using integration techniques to release the effects on mind, body and soul for renewed energy and a positive attitude to life!

Helping you to help yourself
Scharnitzky sees the soul holographically and can therefore discern in which lifetime it is trapped.

‘By entering into a dialogue with the soul, I help to release the source of the trauma. During this process, the client learns how to stay connected to the soul and how to communicate with it.’

Following on from this deep soul work, Scharnitzky teaches how the brain can be reprogrammed with new thoughts and paradigms. How to detoxify the soul, brain, body and heart to ‘cure’ them of this destructive thinking. How to increase and rejuvenate cell reproduction to allow them to be the best and the highest version of who they really are, following the path of peace, in harmony with themselves and others.

Schauspielerin Gabrielle Scharnitzky leitet Energy Healing Retreat in Kombination mit einer Ayurveda Kur im European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof

© European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof

Panchakarma – the Ayurvedic treatment programme

The Panchakarma Ayurvedic treatment programme opens the door and holistically reinforces the Energy Healing Retreat. It opens the soul, mind and body for the shamanic coaching and works with all the senses. Letting go of the past, finding steadiness and our centre are at the heart of Panchakarma. In Sanskrit, Panchakarma means ‘five actions’ or ‘five treatments’. These help the body to expel accumulated toxins and to rebalance any disturbance in the Doshas, the vital forces that shape our physical, mental and spiritual characteristics. Panchakarma boosts the immune system, cleanses the body, improves digestive and metabolic functions and helps bring about healthy, restful sleep. Emotional wellbeing, mental clarity and vitality are also enhanced.

Schauspielerin Gabrielle Scharnitzky leitet Energy Healing Retreat in Kombination mit einer Ayurveda Kur im European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof

© European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof

European Ayurveda® in Tyrol

The Shamanic Healing Retreat includes 18 Panchakarma treatments. At the Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof, the 5,000-year-old Indian healing philosophy and ‘science of life’ takes into account the requirements of Europeans and our climate with diagnosis and treatment, European Ayurveda® cuisine, mind detox, Yoga and meditation. Tyrol meets India – the Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof combines the best of two worlds. Emotional cleansing, often overlooked in Europe, is of great importance in European Ayurveda® because over long periods, negative feelings turn into physical – as well as emotional – toxins. The gut is closely bound-up with the psyche – 80% of our immune system is located there. Colonic cleansing is therefore an important segment of a Panchakarma treatment programme.

The ‘Joy – No Matter What’ Energy Healing Retreat includes:

Consultation, pulse diagnosis & concluding consultation | Nutrition & lifestyle coaching | Therapeutic supervision | Snehana – administration of ghee to loosen waste products | Virechana – day of purification | Treatments tailored to suit your personal medical history, e.g. 4 Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full body oil massage with two therapists | Vishesh – energy massage with two therapists | Udvartana – herbal powder massage with two therapists | Jambira Pinda Sveda – bag massage with two therapists or Garshan – silk glove massage with two therapists | Pizzichilli (Sekka) – full-body oil treatment with two therapists | Udanavata© – abdominal massage | Nasya or Akshi Tarpana – nasal or eye treatment | 2 Shirodhara – flowing oil treatments | 3 Basti – gentle enemas | Upana – Alpine salt & oil scrub to release stressful energy and strengthen the immune system | Shiromardana – head & face massage | Stimularium® cell regeneration lounger treatment with deep meditation and crystal light Chakra therapy | Swedana – heat therapy | Hot water & ginger drinking treatment | Herbs for the duration of your stay | Weekly programme of Yoga & meditation | Use of the AyurvedaCentre | Full Panchakarma board

Price: 9 treatment days with 18 treatments and 10 group coaching sessions €3,189 per person plus accommodation (from €143 pp/pn in a double room). Good Karma!
€5 of every Panchakarma programme goes to a school project in Africa.

Dates: 31 March – 10 April, 26 May – 5 June, 20 – 30 July, 22 September – 2 October 2019

About the Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof

The holistic Ayurvedic concept of European Ayurveda® is based on three pillars – diagnosis & treatment, Ayurvedic nutrition, and Yoga, mind detox & meditation. The comprehensive programme ranges from the AyurDetox short detox treatments and Fountain of Youth Rejuvenation Weeks to the Rasayana and Panchakarma treatments. At all times during their stay, guests are given advice and encouragement by the Sonnhof team of experts, which includes Ayurvedic doctor Gaurav Sharma (BAMS) and Dr (med) Alaettin Sinop, a conventional GP and specialist in naturopathic medicine. The Ayurveda Resort’s own culinary brand, European Ayurveda cuisine, forms another fundamental component of the Sonnhof which takes into account the principles of Ayurvedic nutrition and appeals to European tastes by utilising first-class products sourced from the Resort’s own organic farm as well as the region’s markets and food producers.

Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof is included in Niche Destinations’ distinctive portfolio:

  • niche destinations is a travellers’ kaleidoscope for distinctive places with attitude, owned and managed by like-minded independent individuals, proud of their heritage and assertive about their future.

  • niche destinations promotes pioneering health retreats, must-go gourmet restaurants, quirky Alpine lodges & hideaways, ski nirvana, mountain Spa paradise, a mysterious encounter with Atlantic Morocco, hidden gems of local art & culture and the glorious beauty of nature.

  • niche destinations is a discovery of the unexpected, a sense of place, responsible & sustainable tourism, relaxed surroundings, understated elegance and generosity as a mind-set.


niche destinations | marketing deluxe

Claudia Reichenberger | Managing Director |
Marlene Fuchs | Senior PR Consultant |

Wopfnerstrasse 9
6130 Schwaz/Tyrol

T + 43 5242 61115

IMAGE SOURCE: Robert Recker Photography, GAB’s Soul Art, European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof